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The busTRACE 10.0 Single User License allows up to 3 PCs. Can you explain this in detail?

The busTRACE 10.0 single user license allows the licensed user to install the software on up to 3 PCs at the same time. Only the single licensed user is allowed to use busTRACE on those systems. Note that this excludes remote capture and capture clients. You can install the remote capture server or the capture client on as many systems as you'd like.

For example, let's say you have a development system, a laptop, and a test system. You can install busTRACE 10.0 and use it on all three systems at the same time. If you no longer need busTRACE on one of your systems, but would rather move it to a different system, then you should uninstall busTRACE 10.0 first. The uninstall will go through a deactivation process and release the license such that it can be installed on a different PC. After the successful uninstallation, you can then take busTRACE to your new system and install it there.

One common question we receive is what would happen if your OS crashes and you cannot recover, or if you wipe the drive without going through the deactivation process. We refer to this condition as an "orphaned" activation. In this case, our busTRACE activation server attempts to detect this type of scenario and flag a previous activation as an orphaned activation. You should be able to install busTRACE without losing any installations. If you encounter any difficulties, you can contact us so that we can reset your activations manually.


Can I run busTRACE 10.0 without Administrator privileges?

Yes, busTRACE 10.0 can run without Administrator privileges. When Administrator privileges are required, busTRACE will prompt you to let it run with Administrator access.


Does busTRACE support Windows PE?

Windows PE is not supported by busTRACE 10.0.

Does busTRACE support Windows Server Core?

Server Core is not officially supported by busTRACE 10.0. However, some customers have been able to successfully use it by adding the GUI feature to Server Core. Alternatively, they have followed these steps:

  1. Boot to a Server 2012 system with GUI
  2. Copy \windows\system32\oledlg.dll to ServerCore\windows\system32\oledlg.dll
  3. Copy \windows\syswow64\oledlg.dll to ServerCore\windows\ syswow64\oledlg.dll
  4. Install and run busTRACE 10.0

Does the busTRACE 10 installer support a silent / unattended installation?

Only busTRACE 10.0.073 (and later) supports this capability. You start by creating a "setupvars.ini" file with the following content:

%AppFolder%=c:\Program Files\busTRACE 10.0

  • The %InstallType% field can be Complete or Remote depending on the type of install you want.
  • The %ProductKey% field is optional. You can replace XXX with your license's Product Key. If you do not specify a %ProductKey%, busTRACE will prompt you for one when required.

You would then execute our installer using the /s CLI option, along with the path to the setupvars.ini. Please note that you will need to specify the full path to the setupvars.ini file, as shown in the example below.

setup64_10_0_073.exe "/s:c:\busTRACE\setupvars.ini"

See Also: