This web page refers to our older busTRACE 6.0 which is no longer shipping. Click here for details on our latest generation busTRACE software.

busTRACE 6.0 This WEB page comes from the busTRACE 6.0 User's Manual. (Table of Contents)

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busTRACE allows you to save captured I/O activity to a busTRACE capture file. Simply click on the Save toolbar icon to save the data to a .BTD busTRACE capture file. This is useful if you want to save the captured I/O for later analysis or to share the results with other busTRACE users.

Just as you can save captured I/O activity to file, you can also load a previously saved busTRACE capture file by clicking on the Open toolbar icon. You can open multiple busTRACE capture files and access each one through its document tab in the main workspace.

.BTD File Compatibility

busTRACE 6.0 is able to read any busTRACE capture file including capture files created by previous versions of busTRACE including busTRACE 5.0, busTRACE 2003, and busTRACE 2002.

If you are sharing your saved busTRACE 6.0 capture file with a user who has a version of busTRACE prior to 6.0, please be aware of the following limitations:

busTRACE 5.0 File Compatibility

busTRACE 5.0 and busTRACE 6.0 share the same capture file format. The busTRACE 5.0 user will not have the latest CDB decoding database or some of the I/O analysis features available to busTRACE 6.0 users.

busTRACE 2003 File Compatibility

busTRACE 2003 can read in busTRACE 6.0 captures files with a few restrictions:

  • The busTRACE 2003 user MUST upgrade to the last update to busTRACE 2003 that was released (available at This upgrade is free to registered users of busTRACE 2003.
  • busTRACE 6.0 captures more types of I/O activity than busTRACE 2003. Captured I/O activity that busTRACE 2003 does not understand will not be viewable within busTRACE 2003.
  • busTRACE 2003 does not support reading in busTRACE 6.0 capture files if you configured busTRACE 6.0 to compress the transfer data .
  • busTRACE 2003 does not support reading in capture files created by busTRACE Capture Clients.
  • busTRACE 2003 does not support reading in capture files that were created on a Windows x64 system.

See Also: