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busTRACE This WEB page comes from the busTRACE 7.0 User's Manual. (Table of Contents)

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busTRACE provides you the ability to set a bookmark on any captured I/O. By setting a bookmark, you can quickly move from bookmarked I/O to bookmarked I/O. The fastest way to bookmark an I/O is to double-click the left mouse button over the I/O (in the I/O Capture List window). If there was no bookmark on the I/O, a new bookmark will appear. If there was a bookmark, it will be removed.

Several toolbar buttons are available to help you manage your bookmarks.

You can use this button to toggle the bookmark status for the selected I/O. If multiple I/Os are selected, all the selected I/Os will have their bookmarked state toggled.

This option will find and move to the next I/O with a bookmark set. If no further bookmarked I/Os are found, the system beeps.

This option will find and move to the previous I/O with a bookmark set. If no previous bookmarked I/Os are found, the system beeps.

If you want to remove all bookmarks, simply click on this option.

See Also: